Sunday, August 18, 2013

A New Chapter Begins...

Today my husband loaded up the jeep with two backpacking bags, a pillow, and an assortment of work clothes.  He's moving to Seattle.  He got an internship at a firm downtown Seattle, and is starting work tomorrow.  I'm so very  proud of him, he's so brave to go off and do this for his family, in a place he knows nothing of and working with people he doesn't know.  I unfortunately have to wait two whole weeks until I get to see him again, which sucks...a lot... He has a house viewing appointment tomorrow evening just north of Bainbridge Island, so hopefully all goes well, and they accept our application.  If it does work out, I'll go up there Labor Day weekend and help move as much stuff as possible.

But in the meantime, I'm getting the house packed, and when my ever expanding body gets too tired to do that, then I sit down and sew or knit.  I'm working on my Charley Harper QAL quilt, so that's giving me a nice break.  I started it over a year ago, and did basically nothing to it since then.  It's a very easy quilt so I'm not sure why it was ever moved before finishing, but oh well.  As soon as I finish it, I'm sending it up to Seattle for my husband to have while he is away.  Hopefully that can be a small comfort for him.  I'll get some progress pictures up soon!

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