Thursday, March 28, 2013

12 Weeks!

I have made it to the end of my 12th week!  I'm very excited, I'm starting to get more energy, which is nice, and I can't complain... So far I haven't had any morning sickness or nausea.  So things could have been worse : )  My only real symptoms were exhaustion, and head aches for the last two weeks.  So I'm hoping that entering into my second trimester, the headaches and sleepiness wear off!

Max has been great, I keep sending him on random missions to the grocery store, last night I was dying for some pasta salad.  He went to the store, bought everything we needed, and then came home and made it for me at 10:00 at night.  What a trooper!  All while he works on finishing his architecture portfolio.

Week 12 Stats:

Size of baby: Plum, 1/2oz.
Weight gain: -3
Symptoms this week: Headaches
Cravings: Pasta salad!
Aversions: All Mexican food : (
Pregnancy scares: 1, Lucy stepped on me while I was laying on the couch and bruised the side of my          stomach.
Hours of sleep: Roughly a million
Mood Swings: I say "2", Max says "3"
Baby checklist: Finished registering at Target, and on Amazon (you're welcome mom!)


My name is Bethany, welcome to my creative space!  I'm married to a most wonderful human being named Max, and we live in Eugene, OR.  I've found lately that I would like a creative outlet, so here is where I'm going to document it : )

A little about us... we are both 24 years young, and about to embark on a crazy new adventure I like to call, "the real world."  Max is graduating this summer with a bachelors in Architecture, and after that momentousness occasion happens, we will be moving to wherever the little lad can find a job.  Currently we are are looking at Portland, OR., Juneau, AK, and Redlands, CA.  I think at this point, I just don't care : )

We have been married for four years this June, and will have been together for almost 10, crazy how time goes racing by!  Also in addition to Max graduating and us uprooting from where I have lived my entire life, we have a little bundle of joy joining us in October!  So this year sure is one for memories...and ice cream, lots of ice cream...and green olives (Cravings, what can you do!?)

On this blog, you will find lots of random posts, things from quilting, to knitting, to cooking, to gardening, to rookie parenting!  I'm probably best described as a farm girl at heart (hence my two Scottish Highland cows, whom I love), and some one very excited to transition to being a stay at home mom(a mom! its still so weird to say)!  Thanks for stopping by!