Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Yard Work, Dishes, Laundry...FINALLY SEWING

So I have found that I have a to do list as long as I am tall, and each night I try to tackle what I can off it...Oh my word, being pregnant does not help that list get smaller at any record breaking pace.  I keep telling myself, "if I just finish this, then I can go sit down and reward myself with some sewing time!"  And that's how I get through my tasks.  However, by the time I finish, I am usually so exhausted, and my back hurts so bad, that all I want to do is take a bath and get in bed.  It makes me sad : ( so then I sit in the bath, or in bed and troll Pinterest or Instagram for fun ideas.  The nice thing is that I follow some pretty talented people, so I am easily inspired, hence the 400 stacks of quilt piles that I'm wanting to sew! So tonight I'm going to finish packing up the living room stuff that can go into storage, and then I'm going to sit down and finish a HST quilt top that has been sitting on the shelf for at least 8 months.   We'll see tomorrow if I actually do this!  Hopefully there is good news and few pictures to report.  Unfortunately though, since I'm so new to quilting and not so OCD, there are a lot of corners that don't line up!  Don't look to close : )

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Quilt Inspiration Sneak Peak...

Here's a little teaser for my next quilt!  It's a gift for my dad for Fathers Day.

And finally....

Got to love Tula Pink, one of my favorite designers!


Found on Pinterest with no back link : /

Well as of a few weeks ago, after my best friend scanned my tummy, she gave us the happy news that it's a girl!  Needles to say we are excited, Max is a little beyond excited I guess I should say : )  My official anatomy scan is next Tuesday, so I guess hopefully we get the news that it's still a girl, minor detail.

I'll be 20 weeks tomorrow, half way there, I am beyond thrilled about that, it has gone really well so far, I don't have to many complaints, however  I'm sure I could find something to complain about in the next few months, like the heat, or swelling, kankles, looking forward to those!

Weeks: 19w6d
Kicks?: Little bitty nudges here and there
Mood Swings: eh, a couple, no need to count  ; )
Weight gained: 1 pound
Names picked: Max picked a name that he is pretty sure we're sticking with : )
Special moments:  My first Mother's Day!